Monday 16 April 2018

Day by Day- use this to get to a particular day or to see what we have done

Blog posts in Order with links:
Click on any day to see that day's photos, videos and comments. To return to this page, scroll to the top and click on the  "day to day" text.

New Zealand Posts

First Stop, Sky Team Lounge T4
North Island 

Day 12 (morning) did someone say glowworms? More caves at Waitomo black water rafting.

South Island

More North Island Posts

Sydney, Australia

Jakarta and Pulau Macon

Hong Kong



Sri Lanka

Saturday 7 April 2018

Where we went and when

30 Dec - 19 Feb : New Zealand (All over) NZDT UTC+13 (currently)
19 Feb -  25 Feb: Australia (Sydney) AEDT UTC+11
25 Feb - 28 Feb: Indonesia (Jakarta) - On and Island, no cell/inet access WIB UTC+7
28 Feb - 07 Mar: Hong Kong HKT UTC+8
07 Mar - 14 Mar: Vietnam (Hanoi) ICT UTC+7
14 Mar - 21 Mar: Singapore SGT UTC+8
21 Mar - 29 Mar: Sri Lanka (Colombo) IST UTC+5:30

Day 87 - Traffic jam part deux; why is it so hard to leave Sri Lanka? Flying, Limo and finally home ...

Wednesday 28th of March
We woke early, before the alarm went off. I checked the Uber situation and we discovered there were no Uber cars in Columbo today, which seemed odd ... we headed out for breakfast and to book a cab via hotel reception.
Breakfast was a vast buffet again, I kept it light and had cereal anticipating a day of sitting and being fed at regular intervals :D.
On the way through reception a bridal party arrived.

We got out of breakfast and went back to our room to get our bags and go up to reception.
When we got to reception we had a bit of confusion while we changed our bill to include the price of our taxi so we could use up the last of our cash.
We'd been told that if we left later we'd have a shorter journey, but we weren't risking it, we were in the cab by 0830 and on the way to the airport, only 48 km away, with our flight scheduled for a 1305 departure.

Predictably the traffic was horrendous going through Columbo, we'll never know if the google maps route would be quicker because our driver set off down back streets in the other direction. Mostly to no appreciable benefit.
Eventually the cab hit the freeway that goes through the conservation area between the city and the Airport.
Arriving at the airport, there was a mess of people and cars trying to get into the airport. You needed tickets and then the first of many security scans of bags, of course our tickets were electronic so this was an initial problem. At this point these were bulk bag scanners, no trays for the stuff in your pockets so we didn't scan them, then we were walking through metal detectors and predictably setting them off, and so having to be patted down.
Once through the entrance to the airport we had to then join a queue for another security check, with our luggage, much more like what you get when you go to the gates (why?) this time our bags got a blue sticker.
In the arrivals hall proper we checked our bags, got the info for where the lounge was and headed for emigration. At emigration there was another enormous queue, we waited patiently, we'd been warned about how long it takes to get through this airport. Eventually more desks were opened up, and we cleared that queue too.
We headed off toward the lounge browsing the souvenir booths on the way there.

It was 1110 when we walked into the lounge, the 48 km journey and traversing the security theatre in the airport had taken two and a half hours.
The lounge for SriLanka Airlines is compact; there were chefs preparing hot food, ready for lunch at 1200. There is a massage which you can book, so Karen did. I settled for the opportunity to work at a table with nibbles and a beer, and got on with blog posts.
Karen came out of her massage and told me how it's not a great place for privacy (being asked to strip in front of another client for a shoulder massage and the male masseur), so she'd opted in the end for a foot massage.

We snacked, and as the chefs started serving lunch we noticed the board had changed for our flight to "final call" without going through the intermediate stages, good job we weren't planning on eating lunch there.
We set off for the gate.
On arriving at the gate there was a massive queue, the gates at Columbo share a lounge, which you reach through a regular airport security check, unfortunately two aircraft were trying to board here, an there were only 2 scanners. The staff were quick to prioritise the passengers going to London, but when we got into the lounge, it was packed with the people going to India, standing room only.

Fortunately our plane was boarding with 2 doors, and they got us on board quickly.

We taxied out to the run way, but then one of the passengers declared themselves too ill to continue. So we taxied back and waited for the bags to come off. Then back to the runway and finally off, just 1 hour late.
11 hours of flying, watching movies, trying to stay awake  ...

Our bags were already starting round when we got to the carousel, luggage collected we cleared customs, and went in search of our driver. SriLankan book you a car to take you home when you fly business class with them! We found the driver and loaded our bags (one in the front, really saloon cars don't make it easy for luggage), and headed home.
We reached the door about 2200, Abigael and Mark greeted us, we hugged, had a beer and went to bed. Unpacking could wait until the morning :D

Day 86 - Arthur or beer by the pool? Spa time! Dining in the rain.

Tuesday 27th of March
Ginormous bed, cool quiet AC, I slept like a log. Karen was already asleep with lights out by the time I'd finished my ablutions.
However the noise from the trains passing along the coast was a shock at 0600-ish.
Anyway, we were well rested and looking forward to being very lazy today.
Breakfast was an enormous selection of pretty much anything you wanted.

Our only mission for today was to go see the grave of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, but it wasn't looking good. Google was telling me that it was going to take an hour to get there and an hour to get back. I looked at a couple of blogs from folks who'd visited in the past, and consulted google maps for the traffic; it didn't look good and the later I left it the longer it was going to take.

In the end I came to the conclusion that time in a tuk tuk when the weather was like this was criminally wasted, we settled down to enjoy the pool and the hotel.

Lunch was served by the pool, and was very nice, Karen left at 1530 for her massage and the promised rain and thunder still hadn't arrived, so I sat up by the pool and mucked about with my camera in and our of the pool for another hour and a half.

Karen's massage didn't impress her very much; a surprise since Sri Lanka is a country where massage is a feature of their traditional therapies.
We got ready for dinner and headed up to the restaurant for 1930, Karen had reserved a table out doors on the patio, but we were in the midst of a tropical storm, the promised rain and thunderstorm had arrived!

We got a table under cover outside after some negotiating, the air conditioned dining room of the hotel was way too cold for our tastes.
We aimed for a light main course, the desserts were so delicious we figured we could work off the calories once we were back home.
Satiated we head back to our room to watch the lightening and the rain from our balcony, and make sure we were all packed for tomorrow.

We booked an Uber for the morning to get us to the airport, as there seemed to be plenty of Uber cars around the hotel; spoilers! there were no Ubers in the morning :(

Day 85 traffic standstill,

Monday 26 march
We had a leisurely breakfast and  then had to dispute the bill, where we had been overcharged. Dinner had been added on to the bill despite  us being half board. I then pointed out to the owner that normally half board means a slight discount on the price of the meals as they are guaranteed your custom and can plan more effectively but his price was MUCH more expensive than if we had bought the meals on an individual basis. He wanted us to be happy so knocked $10 off the total bill. By my reckoning we were still quite a bit out of pocket so I neglected to tell him he had forgotten the snack we had when we arrived (although the drinks were listed). This put things more in line. I also suggested putting a blind in the bathroom as its disconcerting to have workmen looking directly in. In fact I'd gone to the other hotel to have a shower which is a shame because it was a lovely bathroom, just not very private!
breakfast at Mount Lavinia

waiting for the car

our room and balcony at the top

Our car arrived slightly late and we started the long journey to Mount Lavinia in Colombo. And this was a long journey. Traffic in Sri Lanka moves slowly at the best of  times but once you get close to Colombo it just stops. Traffic was at a standstill just inching forward and not helped by the massive thunderstorm and pouring rain that suddenly started. Tuk Tuks closed their curtains as they don't have glass sides, motorbikes pulled over under bus stops, water was coming out of drains, everywhere people beeped their horns as they crawled forward. Our cab driver got us to the Mount Lavinia area and then we used our sat navs to get him to the hotel as he didn't  know where it was. The journey had taken over 5 hours with only a couple of minutes break when our driver had run to the loo a few hours back. (We'd been offered a lunch break but had declined wanting to get to Colombo)

 We had booked a suite which had a great view of the sea and once we were ensconced, headed back to the bar to get a drink and something to eat. Breakfast had been a long,long time ago! The bar was full of boys from Stamford private school in Lincolnshire obviously gathering to go off on a trip with their teachers so we sat on stools at the bar until they had gone and we could claim a table. The fish curry rolls were delicious as was the fresh guava juice. I had a bit of a wander around the hotel to discover where things were and then went back to get Jono who had been trying to access Microsoft to see if he had been paid (they'd mucked up and once again his salary was not there). We needed a leg stretch so wandered around the few small boutiques that were part of the hotel  (lots of carved elephants but no one had carved monkeys!) then went on to the private beach and walked along it.
View from hotel bar over ocean

waiting for our room key



lounge area in suite
sitting at the bar

The rain had stopped and it was beautifully warm. There was a big iguana or komodo dragon walking along the beach and as we tried to get close, it determinedly moved away carefully keeping us in sight.

We walked along the beach which at first sight seemed reasonably clean but along the tide mark and floating in the sea it decidedly wasn't. At the far end we could see a clean up crew raking up debris which I thought was promising, until we realised they were digging holes in the sand and pushing the rubbish inside and burying it. Not a good way of dealing with this! On the way back we found a small tortoise sitting on the beach. Thinking it was a turtle we tried to launch it in the sea. The tortoise was not impressed and wouldn't go. One of the hotel people came up and explained the problem, rescued the tortoise and said he would take it to the front of the hotel where there was a small garden and pond. He also showed us a collection of large shells  he said had been found by diving close to the beach. They were stunning shells and he had a book  in English that told you about each one.

We also investigated the swimming pool area and terrace that looked out over the ocean and had a drink by candle light sat outside before having dinner. My first ever mint dacquirie!

The staff wanted to sit us in the air conditioned part of the restaurant but I had to ask them to move us as it was too cold. They found us a table overlooking the pool  with the night breeze just stirring the air and it was perfect. Dinner was an amazing buffet. There were different salads set out in one area, Sri Lankan buffet in another, western style food in a third and Japanese style in a fourth. Some of the Sri Lankan dishes were becoming familiar to us: banana flower, jack fruit, fish curries and dhal and we both opted to eat from this section. There was also a massive dessert section including an array of vegan desserts. It was the chocolate mousse that caught my eye though. Desserts had been thin on the ground in Asia and chocolate just not there. It was delicious. Thoroughly stuffed we went back to our suite.
soups and salads

sri lankan buffet

dessert, chocolate mousse!

Day by Day- use this to get to a particular day or to see what we have done

Blog posts in Order with links: Click on any day to see that day's photos, videos and comments. To return to this page, scroll to the ...