Saturday 7 April 2018

Day 86 - Arthur or beer by the pool? Spa time! Dining in the rain.

Tuesday 27th of March
Ginormous bed, cool quiet AC, I slept like a log. Karen was already asleep with lights out by the time I'd finished my ablutions.
However the noise from the trains passing along the coast was a shock at 0600-ish.
Anyway, we were well rested and looking forward to being very lazy today.
Breakfast was an enormous selection of pretty much anything you wanted.

Our only mission for today was to go see the grave of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, but it wasn't looking good. Google was telling me that it was going to take an hour to get there and an hour to get back. I looked at a couple of blogs from folks who'd visited in the past, and consulted google maps for the traffic; it didn't look good and the later I left it the longer it was going to take.

In the end I came to the conclusion that time in a tuk tuk when the weather was like this was criminally wasted, we settled down to enjoy the pool and the hotel.

Lunch was served by the pool, and was very nice, Karen left at 1530 for her massage and the promised rain and thunder still hadn't arrived, so I sat up by the pool and mucked about with my camera in and our of the pool for another hour and a half.

Karen's massage didn't impress her very much; a surprise since Sri Lanka is a country where massage is a feature of their traditional therapies.
We got ready for dinner and headed up to the restaurant for 1930, Karen had reserved a table out doors on the patio, but we were in the midst of a tropical storm, the promised rain and thunderstorm had arrived!

We got a table under cover outside after some negotiating, the air conditioned dining room of the hotel was way too cold for our tastes.
We aimed for a light main course, the desserts were so delicious we figured we could work off the calories once we were back home.
Satiated we head back to our room to watch the lightening and the rain from our balcony, and make sure we were all packed for tomorrow.

We booked an Uber for the morning to get us to the airport, as there seemed to be plenty of Uber cars around the hotel; spoilers! there were no Ubers in the morning :(

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