Saturday 24 March 2018

Day 77 - Pool, Sling, Indoor cloud forest, light em up up up

Sunday 18th March
After a lie in, we got up had some breakfast and went down to enjoy the pool. The weather was a bit warm, but the pool was deliciously cool, obviously a great recipe for sunburn since we neglected to put sun tan lotion on.

Link to panorama

Fortunately we had plans for the afternoon so we were only out in the full force for a short while. And we moved to the shade once I realised just how toasty it was.
We got changed and headed for the legendary Raffles hotel, where Karen's Mum and Dad got engaged. The hotel proper is under going renovations at the moment, but they've created a small bar that where you can go enjoy that signature cocktail, the Singapore sling. And of course throw peanut shells on the floor, perhaps the only place in Singapore where littering won't get you in trouble.
One was enough,  heads swimming we headed off to get our tickets for the Gardens by the bay.
The ticket office was on the ground floor of the marina bay sands hotel. The hotel is just WOW. In daylight looks a lot like someone parked a space ship on 3 Towers.

Tickets in hand we headed for the cloud forest conservatory.

The cloud conservatory recreates the humidity, structure and temperature environment of a cloud forest. This is a cooler climate than Singapore sea level, and it gets cooler when the misters come on. It was quite refreshing at first but Karen was getting uncomfortably cold toward the end. It's a fantastic experience walking along the walkways looking at the variety of colours and flowers in the forest canopies.
At the base below the entrance level is a cooler cave area with more plants from tropical caves. And there are some phenomenal carvings of dragons throughout the conservatories, a lot of the ones in the cloud forest appear to be carved from trees that have grown around rocks, and so were carved attached to the rock.

look closely, there are lego models here.

We moved from the cloud forest to the flower dome. An anime convention was in full swing outside and in here. The temperature was also decidedly cooler than we'd got used to. We moved through most of the lower zones pretty quickly, especially the zone with the Japanese cheery trees, not only was it packed with anime characters and their entourage, it was also cold!
highest level where the cacti were- it was warmer up here

Alice in Wonderland themed plant displays

people dressed in anime costumes

more Alice themed displays mainly with succulents.

The carvings throughout were impressive. However there were none for sale in the gift shop.

Anime people thronged around the Japanese gardens

The dragons were fabulous
We climbed for the top, where the succulents and cacti were enjoying warm dry air.
After the flower dome we headed towards the skywalk and the mega trees. Stopping for something to eat at a restaurant on the way. It was so nice to be outside and warm again.

The mega trees are solar and water collectors for the domes, and they are also illuminated to music at 19:45 and again at 21:45
As we walked down to the Mega trees we discovered there was an anime song concert in full swing.
We joined the queue for the sky walk, while we were in the queue the light show started during a break in the concert.

first 90 secs of the light show, it was really good.

anime concert, complete with excited fans waving lights

more anime from the other side of the skywalk

On the Sky walk

Marina sands hotel lit up

looking down on the concert with the supertrees surrounding it.
We missed being on the skywalk for the light show but we made it before the last entry time.
The view was amazing, and we now had an elevated view of the Anime concert.
On the way back to the SMRT we took a walkway which spanned the inside of the Marina Bay sands lobby quite high up. It was funny to see people dining in the restaurants way below us. When we got through the hotel it was a steep climb down to street level and the onto the SMRT.
walking to the MRT

As we walked past the 7-11 at Newton we nipped in to pick up some ice cream since we hadn't had dessert. 2 tubs of B&J's finest :D

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