Wednesday 31 January 2018

Day 27 beach, baldwin street, church, plan

Jan 27

Beach time! Weather was warm, sky was blue. Easy parking at the beach and we settled down to a morning of making a plan about what we were going to do and see in the time we had left.

We did go down for a paddle which is when the difference  in temperature between  here and North  Island  really became apparent. Beginning to lose feeling in my toes I settled back on the beach. I can totally inderstand the widespread  use of wetsuits by those with body boards now! There was also a kayak out surfing and a group of proper surfers too.
Jono was a bit more hardy and decided he had to actually go in. Not for very long, but he did get that "buffeted by the waves" feeling.

With a plan agreed and needing to use the internet to put it in place we headed off to see the world's steepest  street, Baldwin Street. I'd  used this in maths ratio lessons so I definitely  wanted to see it!
I thought we would stand at the bottom  take a few snaps and move on but Jono was all for climbing it to the top.

There were lots of brightly dressed Asians taking snaps in different poses on the street too. Every so often a car would come along, generally  going down  not up, and everyone would scatter to the side although one oblivious young man lying on the road intent on his camera forced a car to stop. I wouldn't  want to take the chance the car's  brakes were working efficiently on that sort of slope.

Slope from side

At the top

Surveyor was from uk and drew the street on the map without  checking  gradient 1:2.86

So steep it drops away and you can't  see it going down from the top

Dunedin  has loads of Catholic churches. St Patricks was closest and had a 6pm vigil mass. The church has been recently renovated and inside they've changed the position of the  altar around to the side so that the church feels more semicircular rather than long and thin. It has beautiful stained glass windows.

Altar is placed on the side and congregation  turned around 

Note tv screens on either side of altar

Beautiful stained glass windows

As I've come to expect, it wasn't  long before someone sat down beside me and introduced themselves. Sister Ann and I had a wide ranging conversation before and after Mass. There's a big debate going on about euthanasia and assisted suicide in NZ and people were asked to let their views be known to parliament. Another thing I've  noticed about churches is that none of them so far use hymn books or leaflets. They have all had screens with the words displayed for all to see, this does cut down on a lot of rustling sounds!
Meanwhile Jono had been scouting around town on the hunt for cheap sunglasses, every pair here seems to be $39.99 or more! He didn't  have any success but had picked up some other stuff.
We needed to food shop again and dropped past Coundown to restock before heading "home" to cook and eat out in the garden overlooking the harbour.

Our last task was to take advantage  of the substantially better wifi in Dunedin and book ahead for accomodation and activities in Fiordland and for Franz Josef. Accommodation  was really scarce for the glacier, I'm glad we didn't  leave it any later, it was a relief to find somewhere!

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