Wednesday 14 February 2018

Day 42 hello Matt, church, lee valley, swimming, homegrown lamb, canasta

Sunday 11 Feb
Matt came home from Argentina and said hello to us all before crashing for a few hours. I went to Mass at St Brigid in Fielding while Teresa and Molly worked on Mollys house swimming chant to the song "Firework" and Jono helped Jensen with his phone. Kai and Riley were out in the swimming pool.
St Brigid's has slightly tiered pews so that each row can see over the top of the next. There's a balcony running around the back of the church and this is where most of the children seemed to sit. Its also unusual  for a Catholic  church  as it has a walk in fully immersive baptismal font.

Balcony running around back

Immersive font with steps

Jono went with Molly as her responsible adult so she could  drive Jensen to the Grand Prix that was taking place in Fielding's Mansfield Park. Then after lunch Matt, Teresa, Jono, Kai, Jago and I went to Lee valley reserve for a walk.

We had to be back by 3 to pick Jensen up as he had been invited out by Caitlyn's family at 3.30. He'd had a great time at the Grand Prix and Matt and he decided that next year they' d both go,  preferably with VIP tickets.
We had a quick turn around back at the house with Jensen getting changed and the rest of us grabbing swimming gear. We dropped Jensen off and then went to annoy Molly at the swimming complex where she was working. We had a great time at the outdoor pool. Kai and Jago went on the diving boards and then we played water volleyball using the flags as a net. We were joined by a boy Kai knew, Carlos, and his younger brother Tyler who had some disabilities. The rain came down exactly as predicted at 4pm which emptied out most of the rest of the people quite nicely. Molly got to put on her bright yellow work rain jacket too.


Dinner was home grown slow bbq lamb with roast veggies and followed by banana splits . The lamb just fell apart it was so tender. Afterwards Jago, Kai, Teresa and I played canasta with Jono stepping in when Jago grew too tired. Final honours went to Teresa Jago/Jono although we should have played one more game to break the 5000 barrier they had reached 4900 and it was way past Kai's bedtime.
Monday we had to leave, but we discovered that Matt was flying into Hong Kong on the same day we were so we made arrangements  to meet up discovering our two hotels were really close to each other.

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