Friday 5 January 2018

Day 6,part 2, walks, kayaks, icecream and beaches

Day 6 part2,
While Jono out went breaking boats, I did the laundry. This would have been completed earlier but when Jono went over with it around 8am he failed to spot the difference between a washer and a dryer and reported all 2 washers full. When I walked back over the other 4 washers had just been loaded into so I had to wait.
Chores done, all 7 of us climbed the steep hill behind the campsite for marvellous views over the whole spit.

We wandered down the other side and explored two more beaches and Kai and Jono had a rolling fown the hill competition before succumbing to the lure of the icecream shop.

Its great being an Aunty, you can give icecream before lunch with no guilt at all

After lunch we loaded the car with kayaks and went back to one of the beaches. Jono and the boys went off to do water polo and Teresa and I went for a swim.We'd been out for a while when we noticed we were caught in a rip. A bit of hard swimming to the side was needed to get out and just as we got to safety a jetski came up offering assistance. We got back to the shore along by the rocks and swapped with the boys in the kayaks.
The kayaks are water polo ones and far narrower than the ones I am used to. The sitting position is more straight legged than frog legs and together with a right handed paddle ( yes it makes a difference!) I felt distinctly unbalanced. I hadn't appreciated how much those small changes made to paddling. Nevertheless it was fun to be out on the sea and a lot warmer than the pictures make it look, somewhere around 23 degC air temp.
We all ate at the Alcocks camp and then went for a long walk along the beach before settling down for more Mah Jong playing.

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