Tuesday 27 March 2018

Day 83 Drive by Hinduism with a touch of spice followed by archaic Catholicism.

Saturday 24th March
We needed a lie in after yesterdays early start and exertions.

After another hearty breakfast we checked out. Our host had made a number of errors in our favour on the bill, it would have meant we stayed with them for free since they'd bankrolled all the stuff we'd done in Habarana so far, so we pointed them out and settled up. Having a lot of cash in Sri Lanka is normal, not many places take cards and we'd done a lot of extra stuff that the hotel had fronted the money for, so we actually left owing money which our host said to give to the cab driver once we got to an ATM on our way to our next stop.

On the way we stopped at another spice garden. We got the full rundown of herbs and spices medicinal properties again. The guy showing us around managed to massage my head by just doing it, I was just too shocked to stop him. I must say the stuff he used was so nice I forgave him and bought some. Karen got a massage too, and since we were in need of moisturiser we picked up their hygienically prepared Aloe Vera cream.

Back in the car we carried on, going through Matale we passed a large Hindu temple, unfortunately closed, as Ritika had pointed out earlier 'even the gods need lunch'. Still pretty spectacular from the outside.

Finally we arrived at our destination.
Feeling peckish we ordered up a snack and a beer or 2.

Around 1630 we walked down to reception for a tuk tuk to take us down to the Catholic cathedral for Karen to go to mass.
I sat outside in the shade and played Qiktionary, not seeing anything I wanted to explore in the vicinity.

Karen looked angry coming out of church, which is unusual. She showed me the service sheet, proper pre Vatican II Catholicism, with all the anti Protestantism trimmings, including refusal to give communion in the hand. There was a lot more that was wrong with the service too.
We grabbed another tuk tuk to take us back us to the hotel, appreciating that being so high meant cooler breeze and less humidity.

Dinner was a feast, we worked hard but couldn't finish all that we were presented with.
In the dark the lights across the valley lit up, and the geckos climbed the walls of the hotel to get the heat from the light bulbs.

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