Saturday 24 February 2018

Day 51 sydney opera house, chinese new year, powerhouse

Tues 20 Feb
We had our Opal travel cards and were keen to see Sydney, the day was set to be warm but cloudy so it seemed an ideal time to see the sights. The bus stop was right outside our apartment and the opal app was brilliant giving prices choice of routes, stop info and times. For us it was really easy, get on the 377 or the 376 and stay on it, the last stop was circular quay which is right next to the harbour, the bridge and the opera house. You tap your card on the reader as you get on and then tap it as you get off. It calculates the fare and deducts the balance, stops are short because no one is buying a ticket so the journey is faster and it is so cheap, $4.61 to get all the way to the harbour and that is the maximum bus fare.
We arrived and immediately noticed a giant snake hanging under the roadbridge, and a big ox made of mah jong tiles. All the chinese animals representing the years were scattered along the harbour.
Horses with my favourite charioteer

Rats of love 

Its the year of the dog 
                                                                  Mah jong ox

Flying pigs

Boy has released jewel from dragons mouth so he can breathe water and bring rain to the land 

Link to 360here of the opera house

Of course we had to stare at the opera house and take a million pictures of it and the harbour bridge and the impressive skyline.

Theres a new cruise ship in everyday and they are huge.
Jono and I are both roosters so we had to get one of these.
And we both liked this sculpture to ideas on the side of a building

We wandered down to Dawes point passing a couple of Chinese "brides" (we think these were having shots done for an advert  or promotion as there was a distinct lack of any guests) and checking we knew where to come for the bridge climb the next day, then headed into the city to find a sandwich. There were loads of cafes and restaurants  around but we just wanted a quick bite. It proved hard to find but eventually we spotted a woolworths and sat in a park along with a lot of people having their lunch break.
These birds we saw all over sydney. They are White Ibis and are totally unperturbed by people.

As we ate it started to spit so we decided to go to the Powerhouse Museum for the afternoon. As a nice extra we got to take the walkway over Darling harbour seeing the naval museum on the way.

We spent all aftermoon until they chucked us out there. There are still bits we didn't cover.

Interactive gaming part with massive screens


Lots of things had buttons to press, like this to see how it worked

Pictures of a lady reclining on a bed!

The building was a powerhouse and some of the stuff is still there like these cranes perched high on the gantries
there was also an origami station

we made both the heart and the skull

Everything in this room looked black and white including me

Until you turned on a torch and realised everything was actually brightly coloured. Ok this was in the kids section. I had so much fun in this part.

Outside the museum is a pedestrian way that leads all the way to central station, along it is water play for kids, places to sit, mini outdoor gyms, table tennis and information plaques. It made for a pleasant stroll under the blue sky which had appeared sometime  while we were inside. Central station is a stopping point for most buses and all trains so it was an easy ride back again to our apartment.
Spot the big kid playing with water

Quirky uni building en route

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