Thursday 4 January 2018

Day 4 , the rain

Day 4 , Jan 4 , the day of the rain
We are still waking up bright and early so continued working through our frustrating picture sharing issues with our blog. For some reason I couldnt access photos Jono had taken to put in and he couldnt access mine. The blogs written by him were full of pictures of me and the ones by me had pictures of him. In the course of this Jonos key board wasnt working properly, the l key just wouldnt type so as he thought it was because he had got water on it yesterday he got my hairdryer and used it to gently dry out the keys. He didnt quite realise the strength of it though and as he moved the hairdryer away from the keys, they started to change shape and melt. The shift key was particularly badly affected. On the plus side the l key suddenly started to work again! We eventually decided we'd done enough struggling with technology and it was time to head out.
Well New Zealand hadn't had any rain for weeks. Everyone else really wanted it. So what do you do when there are severe weather warnings in place and its raining? Obvious really, visit an open air spa.
We bathed in hot pools where drinks and snacks were ordered and delivered without having to leave the water. Temperatures varied from about 28 degrees to 42 and we were surrounded by lush greenery. Adults only here. The lost springs are one of Whitiangas little luxuries and it didn't matter that it was raining. The loungers tucked under the palms and ferns stayed empty but it wasnt cold walking between the pools and we swapped happily between ones of different temperatures.

We really wanted to visit Hot Water Beach too and this has to be done around low tide, our plan was to leave the spa, grab lunch and a spade and head there for the afternoon. However the wind and rain really picked up, the sirens went off in town indicating at least one accident somewhere and we decided our cosy airbnb was the better place to be!
We booked a couple more places to stay on our route, Jono tried to fix the keys on his laptop using the hair dryer and overheated the hairdryer stopping it from working. He then resorted to the kettle which didnt reshape the shift key at all. I am debating keeping all electronic items away ftom him until whatever is cursing him has been solved.
We were invited to wine o clock with our lovely hostess Dorothy, originally from the UK but been here since 1966, and spent a pleasant hour or two looking out at the windswept waterways and chatting. We will be sad to leave here tomorrow, it's a great self contained unit, we'd be happy to return to 'Sailors Rest' again
Our kitchen area, Jono cooking dinner.
Lounge area

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